Fun Ways to Document Travel for Creators
September 29, 2022
Clutch Creator Resources

Fun Ways to Document Travel for Creators

The Best Ways to Document Travel for Creators

We all know the feeling of coming back from a fun night and realizing that no photos were taken to commemorate the fun - It’s the worst! Even worse than that feeling is going on vacation and getting back with very little to help you remember the fun times. Here I have made a list of some of the best ways to commemorate your travels so that you can go back and relive some of your best memories!

1. Disposable Film

Disposable film cameras are a fun and easy way to document travels. I personally adore the look of film and actually own 2 reusable film cameras which I buy individual rolls of film for and have developed later on. I recommend doing research about using film cameras before you decide to purchase one, as it can be tricky at first, but they are so much fun to use once you get the hang of it.

2. Video Blogging (Vlogging)

Personally, I think vlogging is one of the best ways to relive memories. Being able to go back 10 years later and smile at your younger self is definitely worth it. It can be challenging to remember to take footage, but what most people don’t realize is that you don’t have to record every single second. For example, if you’re going out to the beach, maybe take some small clips of everyone getting ready, and then pull out the camera later on to video time in the ocean or a sunset walk on the beach. Try to get some different footage every day - no one wants to watch a loop of the same content over and over. Just remember that you are making this video for you and your friends so it doesn’t have to be perfect. Just have fun with it and be yourselves!

3. Short Videos

As mostly everyone knows by now, short clip videos such as Tiktok or Instagram Reels are a great way to commemorate your travels. Try to take random videos throughout the trip and then edit and combine them into a short video which can be shared on social media. These videos can include anything you want - from culture, to animals or beautiful landscapes. Make it your own!

Of course, your phone can be used to document your travels as well; however, I personally find film and videos to be a little more creative and fun. Lastly, if you haven’t tried to use film for pictures, I highly recommend it!

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Written By:
Lauren Adams
Lauren Adams
Clutch Creator
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