Helpful Tools for College Students
November 21, 2022
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Helpful Tools for College Students

Helpful Tools for College Students

College life is both fun, exciting, and stressful. Throughout my time as a college student, I have come across some pretty useful applications that help me make it through the semester. I would like to share some of these useful tools in hopes that they can help you as well.

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is at the top of the list. This free add-on application for your browser makes writing easier. It examines your work as you type and gives suggested edits. I can’t imagine writing essays without Grammarly at this point. The nice thing about it is that you don’t have to worry about finding grammatical or spelling errors on your own as it does the work for you. All you have to do is type, and Grammarly does the rest. Please try it out if you haven’t. I promise it’s a huge help and so convenient. 

2. Quizlet

I’m sure all of you know about Quizlet, but I wanted to add it to this list just in case. I use Quizlet for creating flashcards and quizzes for my exams. Hear me out, especially if you’re one of those people who don’t believe in using flashcards to study. I was the same way, but after seeing how easy it is to create flashcards online through Quizlet, I saw how my test scores improved. Now, I always use Quizlet to study and, as a result, I feel more confident during exams. 

3. Google Calendar

Obviously, all college students know about Google’s applications; however, I couldn’t create a list of applications without including Google Calendar. I literally schedule my entire life with this app, haha! My favorite part about Google Calendar is how you can choose a color for each item. For example, for every deadline for my Design 2 class, I choose to label it in pink so I can easily tell what assignments are for which classes. Another cool thing about Google Calendar is that you can tell events to repeat and how often to repeat. So, for example, if you have a lab every week on Tuesday, you can tell Google Calendar to repeat this every Tuesday from 3-5 pm. Okay, maybe I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to organizing, but it’s so easy to use that I think every student should utilize it. 

4. Spotify

Spotify is another app that I use literally every day, especially when I’m studying. The best part is, Spotify offers a discount for students! Some colleges even include Spotify free for their students. Either way, music is a great way to escape the chaos of a college environment. I am constantly using Spotify to block out distractions at school. Create playlists and like your favorite artists/songs. Another cool thing is at the end of each month Spotify will give you a list of your most-listened-to songs and artists. Take advantage of the Spotify discount while you still can!

5. Slack

Slack is a group-chat app where you can easily connect with your classmates. It’s especially useful to connect to your classmates for group projects. The best part is, you don’t have to provide your phone number to the app, so you don’t have to worry about random people getting your phone number. Having one place where you can connect with classmates outside of class is so convenient. I recommend trying it if you need to connect with people, but don’t necessarily know them well enough to give them your phone number. 

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Written By:
Lauren Adams
Lauren Adams
Clutch Creator
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